Sunday, September 14, 2008

You Are a Bad Person

I have been thinking for a long time about how most people think they're "better than average" people, yet that's absurd, statistically. I read a poll once that said that 80% of people consider themselves better-than-average drivers. Of course, this is basically impossible (technically, it's possible, but the point is still that people overestimate their own talents (or underestimate those of others)).

So, my frustration is that most people think they are good people. In fact, most people think they are better than most other people. But they aren't. Roughly half the people out there are worse than average. It's just a fact. So, the chances are about 50/50 that you fall into the "worse person" half of the spectrum.

I have finally found a way to explain this...
Let's say we're having an argument about whether you're a selfish girl or not.
Me: "You're a selfish girl."
You: "No, I'm not. I may have been acting selfish just now, but I don't usually act this way."

Here's my new zinger punchline: Serial killers don't usually kill the people they see. They kill only a small fraction of the people they see. But killing a few people is enough to make you a terrible psychotic murderer. Maybe being selfish some of the time is all it takes to be a relatively "selfish person."

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