Friday, September 19, 2008


Hugo Chavez's recent expulsion of the US Ambassador should not go unpunished. Venezuela has become a pariah state and Chavez is endangering the lives and livelihoods of the tens of millions of citizens of his country and its neighbors. He is following the age-old formula of wasting the fruits of his peoples' labors on silly pet programs, unneeded weapons, and the mechanisms of an authoritarian state, while blaming anything that ails Venezuela on the United States.

He has banned the free media, supported the FARC, and suppressed his political opposition. These things alone should warrant his removal from power. Attempting to remove Chavez from power should be considered, but at this time, it appears that the more prudent thing to do is to force Venezuela to face consequences for its behavior. These actions should be aimed at the government, not the people, of Venezuela. In cases where the population should be affected, the US should make every effort to inform the citizens of Venezuela about what Chavez is doing.

The US should immediately restrict access by the Venezuelan government to the international banking system, as well as interdict and search any and all vessels crossing the open seas which may be suspected of carrying illegal drugs, legal or illegal weapons, illegal human cargoes, terrorists, or laundered money. The US should seize any contraband or weapons found. The US should put Venezuela on the list of state sponsors of terror. Finally, the United States should also push the UN security council for a resolution authorizing the use of force to prevent contraband or weapons from flowing into Venezuela.

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