Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Obama needs an IT guy with a brain

I unsubscribed from the Obama campaign emails today. I just couldn't take it anymore. Today I got an email signed by both "Jon Carson" and "David Plouffe" in a confusing email-within-an-email-yet-not-a-forward that started with:
"I've never asked you to make a donation before."

While this may technically be correct, because I've never heard of Jon Carson before, the only reason I'm on the mailing list is that I made a donation. I have received other solicitations via the same mailing list, as well. It's ridiculous that they either a) don't realize who they're emailing or b) don't care.

Also, I'm unsubscribing for another reason. A few days ago I got an email suggesting that I register to vote if I wasn't already. The Obama campaign had created a little portal thing that advertised itself as a one-stop shop for registering, signing up for an absentee ballot, and getting information. I decided to make sure I was signed up for an absentee ballot. However, the Obama website claimed (no matter how I searched) that I was not registered. I suspected that I was, but before I had a chance to follow up, the next day, my voter info booklet thing arrived. So, I was registered (as I thought, as a Republican).

I am not claiming that this tool was made to purposely manipulate, but the Obama campaign should at least ensure that their tools work right and don't either a) deceive or b) waste peoples' time.

My complaints have still not been answered by the Obama campaign, although I made one last attempt to vent my frustrations when giving the reason why I was unsubscribing from their email list.

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