Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Leaving the Ranks of the Undecided

I have left the ranks of the undecided today, and decided to vote for McCain. I still like both candidates and think both would make fine presidents.

I can explain my basic reasons for voting for McCain in a nutshell:
1) I like lower taxes better than higher taxes. In all likelihood, taxes will be lower under McCain. McCain is still more of a small government guy. Obama is more of a big government guy. In general, I think government is inefficient at doing things. So, I generally side with small government-types.
2) McCain is willing to buck his own party. Obama has voted with his party 96% of the time (and Biden is even worse). Take immigration-- would Obama compromise and build a fence in order to also rationalize immigration policy? I don't know. He voted as if he wouldn't. Would McCain compromise and allow some "amnesty" in order to secure the borders? Yes, he championed just such compromise legislation, which was ultimately defeated by both Republicans and Democrats. Also, with Democrats controlling the Congress and White House, the Government deficit would likely soar. Finally, both Obama and Biden take huge amounts of money from public sector unions such as the Teachers' Unions. These unions are unfair to their members, violate the spirit of the campaign finance reform McCain championed, and are obstacles to reform in schools. I trust McCain and Palin more to fix education than Obama and Biden, because they're not beholden to these unions for money and votes.
3) McCain has done tons of things in the Senate. Can you name one thing Obama has done since becoming a Senator other than run for President?

In the end, Obama is an inspiring figure, but more so personally than politically. Politically, he's basically positioning himself as a tax-and-spend liberal. To be fair, he might not be, but he hasn't shown anything else, yet. McCain is committed to bettering this country while maintaining his Republican principles. Yet, he's not a bigot, a xenophobe, a pedant, or a proselytizer. What more could I ask for?

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