Wednesday, October 15, 2008


There are many types of bully. Some people bully physically. Some bully emotionally (I will withhold love, respect, or attention from you unless you do what I want). Some bully socially (I will put you in positions of subordination publicly). Some even bully intellectually (I will thrash you with facts and the implication that if you don't agree with me, you must be unintelligent).

Recently, I have become aware of a new kind of bullying - bullying by flattery. Someone is actually bullying someone else I know by flattering her. By constantly building her up and complimenting her, he is creating an intolerate expectation for her performance. He is then using this expectation level to govern her behavior and to prevent her from exerting any control over the work they are doing together. Subsequently, he feels himself powerful (like all bullies, he has subconscious (and perhaps even conscious) doubts about his potency).

I have recently become more involved in the project they are working on, and I intend to break him of his bullying ways.

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