Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Nancy Pelosi is the epitome of what's wrong with politics. She's a pure partisan who cares only about "winning" and doesn't care about actual policy-making goals. She understands little about economics, international relations, history, sociology, or government.

This article is just the most recent example of her continual partisanship. If she was a real partisan because she had some ulterior motive, which was ideological, I might be able to forgive her. But she doesn't have such a goal. She isn't even an ideologue. She doesn't believe in ANYTHING. She just thinks her job is to get elected as many times as possible and get as many other people on her "team" elected as possible. THAT IS NOT THE GOAL.

This article basically says that her new goal is to keep the president from compromising with the Republicans. With the Republicans in control of the House, how is anything going to get done without a compromise? Oh, wait, Pelosi doesn't care about getting things done - she only cares about winning. The Obama White House didn't exactly take the most conciliatory approach or bipartisan stances, yet Pelosi believes they did too much compromising.

Tax legislation, for example, must originate in the House. So, how are we going either make any deal about the tax cuts without a compromise between the House and the President?

Pelosi is worthless and should retire from politics before she destroys the Democratic party, which is clearly floundering under her "leadership."

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