Friday, November 28, 2008

The Origins of Donnie Darko?

For some reason (I can't remember why), I had a 1950 movie called "Harvey" in my Netflix queue. It's one of the movies that Netflix has made available, via Starz, for instant viewing on the Xbox. However, it's only available until Dec. 1st. Noticing this, I moved it to the top of my queue today.

What I found was most surprising. This movie is very good, and it features a 6' 3.5" rabbit that can stop time.

More research shows that Donnie Darko was probably based, in all or part, on the Bunny Man legend of Fairfax County, Virginia.

And the legend is based, I suspect, directly or indirectly, on the movie, "Harvey." Because Donnie Darko was such an important catalyst for me in thinking about time and space, its origins are of particular import. After seeing Harvey, I decided to watch Donnie Darko again. Whether it was intentionally based upon Harvey or not I can't say, but it is clearly closely related, and Donnie Darko makes a whole lot more sense to me this time through.

I am also quickly coming to believe that Donnie Darko was heavily influenced by Dark City.

1 comment:

bbird said...

Want me to just ask the director?