Sunday, August 31, 2008

Both candidates

Why can't I like both candidates? What is wrong with that? Obama and McCain are two of the best and most exciting politicians in Washington. They both have shortcomings, but both are great leaders and could make good presidents, in my opinion.

Sure, McCain isn't an expert on economics, by his own admission. But he's honest and humble about it, which is refreshing. And he's been in the Senate for a long time, so he has analyzed and voted on bills that affect the economy for an equally long time. That's great experience.

Obama doesn't fully subscribe to the basic premises of market economics, and whether that's because he's fundamentally more of a New Dealer or because it's simply politically expedient not to, I don't know, but either way it's mildly disappointing that he wants to selectively ignore the lessons of the last 100 years of capitalism.

Sure, Obama's messianic tone and image are reminiscent of one of the less good parts of George W. Bush, and sure, McCain is more similar to Bush in terms of economic policy (they are both Republicans, after all), but neither is very similar to George W. Bush, so stop pretending that either is. And George W. Bush was good at some things, so being like in some ways isn't bad, anyway.

Sure, Obama seems to be committing the same error that Bush did by not admitting he was wrong about Iraq, and sure, McCain's positions on Iraq and Iran might be more aggressive, but neither man is stupid, and I don't think either is going to start senseless wars or withdraw troops if it leaves us (or the Iraqis) worse off (even if they say they will). Furthermore, you readers out there should blame Obama's inability to "change his mind about Iraq" on yourselves. It is senseless to punish people for changing their position. Changing one's mind is not a crime. Pretending to believe something just to get votes is much worse. You need to start discriminating between the two.

Both Obama and McCain are visionary men, who understand things about the ways in which the world has changed (Obama seems enlightened about how class and race relations in the US have changed and McCain understands how international relations and defense have changed). Both of them are willing to take on the establishment, and both have proven that they can do it successfully. Both are honorable and respectable. Either would be a good ambassador for, and representative of, our country. Either would make a competent commander-in-chief. I think either would do what was right, not what would get him the most votes.

Both have already restored much of what has been missing in American politics for the last 16 years.

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